• +91 9398915192
  • hasss73@gmail.com

Chairman Message

Most Rev. Dr. Poola Anthony Archbishop of Hyderabad

The very name HASSS is suggestive of the nature of the work it does, a society for serving the people of the entire Archdiocese of Hyderabad. It is the social face of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad, an organization envisioned to render multi dimensional services of animation, awarenesscreation, capacity building, professionalization of social initiatives and to provide platforms for creative thinking, dialogue and networking. Through the various projects being implemented, it reaches out to all the nook and corners of the Archdiocese, helping people to be more self-reliant and involved in bettering their life situations.

  • A progressive shift in its social interventions from charity/welfare approach to a people-centered approach with the blend of professionalism is very visible in the execution of all its programs whether it is health intervention, educational inputs, gender sensitization or animation programs.

    Improvement of facilities in the premises has enabled the organization to increase the number of in-house trainings as well as lend it out to likeminded NGOs and Government agencies for organizing various training programs. A glance through the program attendance register of the organization indicates the awesome number of people belonging to different age groups from different walks of life taking advantage of these affordable facilities. The centre is open to all those who aspire to “be a-change” and “a maker of change” in the society.

    HASSS' other programs like educational and medical assistance to the poor, resource mobilization, Cancer prevention & Care campaign and women empowerment, awareness on Health & Hygine, safe guarding the environment and Earth day celebrations among school children are in line with some of these Sustainable Development Goals. Empowering the women of the region through formation of Self Help Groups, promoting income Generation activities and empowering the youth and women are part of HASSS envisioned Programs.

    During the COVID 19 pandemic HASSS took all efforts to create awareness on health & hygiene. HASSS showed its Humanitarian response to COVID 19 pandemic and expressed its solidarity to the front line workers and distributed Face Masks, gloves, hand sanitizers and also distributed cooked food and dry ration kits to the migrants, poor and deserving. All these are possible because there is hardworking, committed and well- motivated leadership and administrative team with round the clock readiness to render Joyful Service with a spirit of Diakonia. I take this opportunity to thank Fr. Madanu Anthony, the Executive Director, The managing committee members and the staff members of HASSS for their united efforts in keeping the organization ever relevant and vibrant. May God bless you all. 

    † Most Rev. Dr. Poola Anthony

    Cardinal & Archbishop of Hyderabad
    Chairman of HASSS